1) Please pray that we’d be able to focus mentally in spite of the challenge of often having to do so many things at one time… Praise God that He is still giving us special opportunities to minister to people even though parenthood has brought a truly crazy twist to the mix of what we are doing.
2) Praise God with us that Gerardo and his family have sought us out in their time of trouble… Gerardo is actually one of our former gang members who dropped out of the gang to be married and start his family, so please pray that the thread of what God is doing in his life would continue – that God would bring to completion the good work that He has begun in this young man. Pray also that Gerardo’s family as a whole would be touched – an otherwise unlikely family to convert, since there is a lot of drug addiction and alcoholism present in addition to the mystic Catholicism they practice. To be sure the air is heavy even as we write this request, but God is already working surprisingly in many members of the family. Pray that we would have wisdom in knowing how to continue working with them, since the devil has tried on multiple occasions to snatch the seed from them.
Larry praying for Nadaline’s dad, Gerardo (aka “Kirilu”) back in 2012 when he was first getting out of the gang.
3) Praise God for a donor who has supplied our need for a school bus…! Though the church continues to be a small one, our ministry to youth is widening to include a new generation of children (now youth) who are “graduating” from our feeding program, and the new bus will allow us to continue ministering to them. Pray that church members would not be afraid of these younger twelve and thirteen-year-olds who are already falling into gangs and drug rings, but that our congregation would have courage to reach out and minister to them if this is God’s will.