Praise God for His provision for us. (The funny thing is that we are not sure whether or not Chuy actually came through on sending the money to us but we had the confidence to go ahead and buy a stove, and we are not sure quite how but it worked out …God knows.) Please… Continue reading August 2015 – Praises & Prayer Requests
Author: Larry
Marlene’s Story (Financial Update)
Dear friends and family, Again we are sorry this letter has been so long in coming, but we did feel that it was only appropriate to follow up on the last report that we sent you about the state of our finances. (More below…) To start with we just wanted to let you all know… Continue reading Marlene’s Story (Financial Update)
Contribute to our ministry – at no cost to you!
We have a new way you can contribute to our ministry – and it doesn’t cost you a thing! Project Friendship When you register at AmazonSmile, you can buy anything available at Amazon, but a percentage of your purchase (0.5%) is donated to the charity of your choice. We would love for you to click on… Continue reading Contribute to our ministry – at no cost to you!