Prayer Requests – Jan. 6, 2009

  • For Jani, since we sense that her struggle with cancer is not yet over. Raped at the age of 8 and again at the age of 13, we pray that she would be able to overcome all bitterness and any other spiritual or emotional component that is affecting her struggle with this disease.
  • For another relative of Nina’s extended family, “Mayra,” the cousin of Nina’s sister-in-law, who was kidnapped along with her husband Gerardo due to some level of involvement in the drug wars. Their two children were left behind.
  • And while we’re at it, for Nina’s son, Tabito, and Alejandra, his wife. Young and recently married, they would appreciate your prayers.
  • For Janice Lowe whose husband Jerry died recently. They are very dear friends from Houston who ministered to us powerfully in the years before we got married and moved to Mexico.
  • That all three churches will continue to grow in size and stability. That God will raise up leaders who are passionate and committed enough to meet the growing needs of the harvest He has promised.
  • For our friend and brother, Thirso, the leader of our drama group, who is recovering from a severe heart attack. That God’s perfect will would be accomplished in His life and in the drama group.

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