Praying for the Zetas – in Person!

Since our “incident” with the Zetas (those fashionable guys who dress all in black), Kim has had a desire in the back of her mind which most people would consider absolutely crazy. God put on her heart the verse about loving your enemies (Matt. 5:44), and it inspired in her the desire to actually be able to lay hands on and pray for the Zetas. When God first gave her that desire, we couldn’t imagine any way in which it could possibly happen, but in His amazing way God has already made it come true.

Hope for the Suffering

Nina was like so many of the women we see here – broken, scarred, and all but undone from the injustices that many Mexican women continue to suffer.

She had come to know God, but was still suffering terribly because of her husband and his family. But God wanted to show her in a dramatic way that in Him there was still hope.